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Proton celebrates 35th birthday with the Saga Anniversary Edition
AirAsia Group to narrow downside risk despite the rough start of Q1 2020
RANDAU INDUSTRI: Asia welcomes mitigation and adaptation initiatives to combat impacts of climate change

By Stephane Asselin, Aurecon’s Chief Executive for Asia

Kumpulan Papparich berdepan petisyen penggulungan, dituntut tutup operasi
AirAsia will come out of the crisis stronger - Tony Fernandes

SEPANG 9 July 2020 - AirAsia Group Berhad (“AirAsia” or the “Company”) wishes to draw attention to our latest update where AirAsia’s external auditors, Messrs Ernst & Young PLT issued an unqualified audit opinion with an emphasis of matter on material uncertainty relating to

Bursa Malaysia opens higher as Wall Street overnight cues positive 
Diskaun 20% penerbangan domestik MAB untuk guru, pensyarah & pelajar
Malaysia’s digital economy reaching 20% of GDP 2020, are the companies fit to adapt digitalization?
RANDAU INDUSTRI : Kerjasama semua pihak jamin masa depan industri pelancongan

Oleh Damien Pfirsch, Naib Presiden, Kerjasama Strategik dan Program, Agoda


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