KUALA LUMPUR March 30 - In reference to the article "Sapura set to sell it's two jet planes," published in DagangNews.com on March 28, this portal had erroneously reported that the jets belongs to Sapura.
Therefore, any purported sale and/or proceeds thereof (which would not be in Sapura's knowledge) could not have been utilized to 'pay off creditors' as claimed in the article.
The jet planes were never used to ferry or transport the chief executive officer of the company all over the world.
Whilst there are specific entities carrying the trade name `Sapura' which recorded a loss for its financial year ended 2022, Sapura as a whole did not record a massive net loss of RM9 bilion as alleged.
This portal would like to apologise to Sapura Group of Companies on the inaccurate report and has taken down the abovesaid article. - DagangNews.com