Citi Indonesia vaccinates its employees via the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine Program | DagangNews Skip to main content

Citi Indonesia vaccinates its employees via the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine Program

Citi Indonesia CEO Batara Sianturi and Director of Finance, Risk Management and Human Resource PT Bio Farma IGN Suharta Wijaya are witnessing the kick-off of the first phase of COVID-19 vaccination for 500 Citi Indonesia employees.


JAKARTA 5 June – Citi Indonesia kicks-off the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccination program for employees through the Indonesian government’s Mutual Cooperation (Gotong Royong) Vaccine Program, conducted by PT Kimia Farma Tbk, the first phase of vaccination takes place at Pac 10, SCBD, South Jakarta.


Citi Indonesia expresses its appreciation towards the Indonesian government for enabling the private sector to take part in the Gotong Royong vaccination program, and thus helping to protect their respective employees from the COVID-19 pandemic. True to its name, the program allows those associated to hand in hand support economic recovery in Indonesia.


Cheif Executive Officer of Citi Indonesia, Batara Suanturi said, the bank wishes to thank the Indonesian government for giving business players the opportunity to take part in the Gotong Royong vaccination program.


"This is crucial in helping to ensure the safety and confidence of our employees to continue to work. Furthermore, we would also like to thank Kimia Farma for their support and the implementation of the vaccination,” said Batara.


The Gotong Royong program is initiated by the Indonesian government, and is and supported by various parties, including PT Bio Farma (Persero) and its subsidiary, Kimia Farma.


Citi Indonesia will vaccinate its employees with the Sinopharm vaccine, which is used in the early stages of the Gotong Royong Vaccine Program. WHO has approved the emergency use of the Sinopharm vaccine based on a clinical review and manufacturing data since April 26, 2021. 


Citi Indonesia employees are still required to strictly adhere to a series of health protocols, including social distancing and wearing masks. Citi also applies government regulation that limits office activities. As of today, more than 75% of Citi Indonesia employees are working from home.


Citi Indonesia
One of the 500 employees of Citi Indonesia received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. 


Later, when all employees have received the vaccination, Citi Indonesia will continue to implement the health protocols that have been established so far until receiving further directions from the government.

Meanwhile, Kimia Farma President Director Verdi Budidarmo reiterated the company’s support in the implementation of the Gotong Royong program by Citi Indonesia.


"Protection towards employees in the banking sectors from the COVID-19 virus is essential in helping to safeguard public trust toward financial transactions. Through this, efforts to accelerate economic recovery will sustain," he said. -