Labuan Economic Sector Coalition demanded `SOP Kemasukan Kapal' in Labuan to be revoked | DagangNews Skip to main content

Labuan Economic Sector Coalition demanded `SOP Kemasukan Kapal' in Labuan to be revoked


LABUAN August 21 - Labuan Economic Sector Coalition (LESC) expressed their huge disappointment with the response given by Labuan Health Department Director Dr Ismuni Bohari found on the Malays Mail online article dated 19th August 2021.


It is revealed by Dr Ismuni that Labuan Disaster Management Committee (LDMC) ways of engagement before finalizing the SOP for submission to MKN is only done within the government agencies level.


''Strengthening our argument that the SOP made should have involved the impacted stakeholder/industry sector as their input is critical for the government to understand the industry challenges and business process flow.


''Without the critical engagement with the industry sector, this would only lead to a lot of assumptions and mistakes made by the government servant in preparation of the SOP.


''We find LDMC decision not to engage the economic sectors is irresponsible and does not reflect the spirit of the National Recovery Plan and the intention to find the balance between economy and life.


''Due to this fatal mistake of not engaging with the Economic Sector for technical inputs, LESC finds that this unconsulted SOP to be inoperable, as local and foreign vessels avoiding Labuan as the port of call,'' said the coalition in a statement here today.


The coalition consisted of Labuan Freight Forwarders Association; Sabah Shipping Agent Association; Malaysia Shipowners Association; Malaysia OSC Owners' Association; Megah Port Management; Asian Supply Base; Petronas, Labuan Shipyard & Engineering; Antara Steel and Sabah Flour & Feed Mills. 


LESC said, they would like to state that only the “SOP SIGN-ON /SIGNOFF” requirement is acceptable to the members, while the “SOP KEMASUKAN KAPAL” should be revoked.


If the special Labuan SOP particularly “ SOP KEMASUKAN KAPAL” is the best way to curb COVID-19 from spreading, we encourage MKN to implement the same SOP that Labuan is experiencing in all the other ports in Malaysia, this is to ensure that Labuan Island is no longer being discriminated.


''LESC finds the situation now is worrying because problems of shortages and rising costs of imports have started affecting consumers in Labuan. LESC has started receiving documents signs by the local community and small-medium business owners in Labuan supporting the LESC effort to work with the authority to quickly come up with a solution to save Labuan.


''Clearly, this is an early sign of desperation by the community concerns for their future and economic welfare is apparent,'' said LESC.


LESC said, they are aware of the COVID risks despite achieving herd immunity in Labuan, but all parties need to find a workable and safe solution to keep the port open and keep port workers employed despite having months of business losses.


''We have attempted to reach out and repeatedly warned over several days to all concerned parties that failing to do an early corrective measure will create an irreversible long term negative economic impact to Labuan if the decision remains status quo within the next 1 to 2 weeks. The repercussion will be much severe the longer we wait.


''LESC is expecting to see businesses halt their operations, massive pay cuts and followed by major retrenchment exercises across the industry sector in Labuan. Consider that you have been warned,'' said LESC.


According to the coalition, LESC is open a dialogue session with the relevant authorities and are ready to be proactive and help shape up a winning SOP for all parties.


LESC has also suggested solutions which include the proposed introduction and activation of “Contactless Protocol” during piloting and port operations as well as to have Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) play a proactive role & collaborate with KKM in facilitating coalition members on the implementation of “Contactless Protocol” as part of the effort to find the balance between economy and life particularly for places that have achieved herd immunity such as Labuan Island.


LESC has also suggested solutions which include the proposed introduction and activation of “Contactless Protocol” during piloting and port operations as well as to have Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) play a proactive role & collaborate with KKM in facilitating coalition members on the implementation of “Contactless Protocol” as part of the effort to find the balance between economy and life particularly for places that have achieved herd immunity such as Labuan Island.


''LESC wish to remind those involved in updating the news update on Covid19 in Labuan to stop categorically targeting and discriminating against the shipping industry in the reporting by generalizing the cause of cases detected.


''Such action indirectly presents itself as fear-mongering and does not scientifically help in reducing COVID-19 cases in Labuan. We hope for more professionalism in dealing with the matter, and expect more accurate and details information to be disseminated with much ethical fashion, not tabloid style.


''We find such bully tactics toward the economic sector particularly to the shipping industry as untactful and it does not bring solutions to our existing predicament,'' said LESC. -