Tun Musa Hitam retires as the chairman of WIEF Foundation | DagangNews Skip to main content

Tun Musa Hitam retires as the chairman of WIEF Foundation

KUALA LUMPUR 25 August - WIEF Foundation announces the retirement of its Chairman, Tun Musa Hitam, effective 1 August 2021. Tun Musa held the position since the beginning of WIEF Foundation’s incorporation in 2006. Tan Sri Dr Syed Hamid Albar has replaced him. Tun Musa will continue to head the Foundation’s International Advisory Panel (IAP).


Prior to assuming the role of Chairman, Tan Sri Dr Syed Hamid Albar was the Foreign Minister of Malaysia. He was also the Minister for Justice and member of Parliament of Malaysia from 1990 to 2013. He was previously the Chairman of the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD).


Under the 15-year helm of Tun Musa Hitam, the WIEF Foundation has organised 13 of its annual Forums in major cities, such as London, Dubai, Astana, Jakarta,  Islamabad, Kuwait and Kuala Lumpur. As an extension of the Forum,  WIEF Roundtables were also organised in many cities including Istanbul, Moscow, Johannesburg, Dhaka, Madinah, London, Gangwon, Córdoba, Tokyo, Phnom Penh, Jakarta and Goa, Bangalore.


The Foundation, through its initiatives, is committed to reaching out to business communities all over the world. Focused workshops and programmes for young entrepreneurs and women were organised in Nairobi, Abidjan, Conakry, Chennai, Casablanca and Durban.


The Foundation takes this opportunity to thank Tun Musa Hitam for his invaluable contributions and commitment of service, as well as his guidance over the last 15 years. His diverse experiences and global outlook have positively impacted the Foundation’s growth and progress on many strategic levels. Needless to say, they will continue to benefit the Foundation.


The Foundation takes this opportunity to thank the Malaysian government, government bodies, as well as contributors, supporters and participants worldwide for tirelessly supporting its activities. The Foundation extends its sincere gratitude to all the Prime Ministers of Malaysia who have given their unconditional support, superseding creed or political affiliation.


Despite disruptive events in the past few years that include political volatility and the pandemic, the Foundation’s initiatives remain uninterrupted and has evolved into virtual events, successfully reaching and engaging people at all levels, globally.


During these brief and quieter moments, the Board of Trustees and IAP also underwent a reshaping. Several of the Foundation’s long serving members of the Board and IAP ended their tenure, and new members were appointed. The Foundation is optimistic that the addition of these individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives would inject renewed vigour into its activities.


Effective 16 August 2021, the Foundation appointed Tan Sri Mohd Radzi Abdul Rahman as the Secretary General to replace Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak (current Governor of Penang). Tan Sri Mohd Radzi was a career diplomat and Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of his public service in 2013.


Subject to formalities, the Foundation would like to welcome both Tan Sri Dr Syed Hamid Albar as well as Tan Sri Mohd Radzi, and look forward to productive years together.


‘To all who had served and those new members of WIEF Foundation, I say a heartfelt thank you,’ Tun Musa said.


‘I would like to welcome the new Chairman, Tan Sri Dr. Syed Hamid Albar and the new Secretary General, Tan Sri Mohd Radzi Abdul Rahman. I trust that, together, they will successfully steer WIEF Foundation towards its new chapters of growth and towards achieving its aspirations.’ 


‘I always say, fundamental ingredients of growth have always included sustenance and innovation. This applies to businesses as much as living creatures. I am proud to say that as Chairman of WIEF Foundation, I have been fortunate to have had the trust and support of a well-functioning team and Board. We have realised that very little can be achieved by working in silos,’ said Tun Musa Hitam. - DagangNews.com