Sun Life Malaysia’s e-forum gathers thought leaders to empower Malaysians post COVID-19 | DagangNews Skip to main content

Sun Life Malaysia’s e-forum gathers thought leaders to empower Malaysians post COVID-19



KUALA LUMPUR 28 July – Life insurance and family Takaful provider, Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad and Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad (collectively Sun Life Malaysia) drew over 240 participants to its first Brighter Wellness E-Forum titled “Holistic Wellness to a Brighter YOU” on 23 July 2020.

The half-day e-forum was organised with the aim to arm Malaysians with the knowledge to better protect themselves and their families in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Held virtually, the session featured four esteemed experts in their respective fields on the holistic approach to living a brighter life, CEO and Country Head of Sun Life Malaysia, Raymond Lew; action star and brand ambassador for Sun Life Malaysia, Hairul Azreen; Associate Professor of Psychological Medicine at University Malaya (UM), Dr. Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin; and host of TV1’s Ustaz Biker programme, Halim Hafidz.

Speaking on the forum, Raymond said, this year has been very challenging for everyone as the pandemic has completely changed the way Malaysians live and forced them to question many aspects of their daily lives.


THE moderator and panelists at the end of the Brighter Wellness E-Forum, which is a Sun Life Malaysia initiative to empower Malaysians to live brighter lives and protect themselves and their families in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.


“Besides the impact from the health and financial aspects, the pandemic has also caused elevated rates of stress or anxiety.

"In line with our business purpose of empowering people to achieve lifetime financial security and live healthier lives, this forum was our way to provide valueable insights on how to get through these turbulent times through a holistic approach financially, physically, mentally and spiritually,” said him.

The e-forum is the latest effort by Sun Life Malaysia in supporting Malaysians since the emergence of COVID-19 in the country.

Meanwhile, Hairul touched on the topic of physical wellness and shared his experience in maintaining his fitness during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period.

“As shown during this pandemic, we never know what to expect next but we must do everything we can to be prepared and protected. On the health front, this is in the form of staying active and fit by exercising and eating right,” shared Hairul.

The sessions on mental and spiritual wellness by Amer Siddiq and Halim respectively were well-received by the virtual audience as they provided important tips on prioritising mental health by practicing good self care and on being spiritually strong with regular faith practice.

Previously, the company actively provided financial support for impacted clients with the offering of complimentary measures and extended medical coverage for hospitalisation and treatments.

The measures were later ramped up with a RM1 million Sun Life Malaysia Relief Fund that offered extra financial benefits to clients who contributed as frontliners, including a special double death benefit. –