Serba Dinamik obtains interim injunction against Lim Kai Yang, the owner of KLSE Screener | DagangNews Skip to main content

Serba Dinamik obtains interim injunction against Lim Kai Yang, the owner of KLSE Screener


SHAH ALAM 24 August - Following its recent decision to initiate legal action against the owner and operator of KLSE Screener, Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd has won an order for interim injunction against the online stock market forum. The injunction was made over a user comment posted on the portal.


The order for interim injunction was sought ex-parte by the global integrated oil & gas (O&G) outfit and its group managing director and CEO, Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah against Lim Kai Yang, the owner and operator of the portal, who conducts his business under the name Neobie Enterprise, said Serba Dinamik in a statement here today.


The ex-parte interim injunction order that was granted by the court on July 27 and extended on Aug 5 serves to restrain the website or its agents or representative, from any publication of false comments by any account impersonating Serba Dinamik’s CEO.


It was reported on 23 August 2021, that a user account which goes by the name “Dato’ Mohd Karim” had posted a comment on the website that led to unwanted speculations on Serba Dinamik’s share price.


klse screener
The popular website has been named by Serba Dinamik belongs to Lim Kai Yang as the owner and operator of the portal, who conducts his business under the name Neobie Enterprise.



It was reported on 23 August 2021, that a user account which goes by the name “Dato’ Mohd Karim” had posted a comment on the website that led to unwanted speculations on Serba Dinamik’s share price.


Henceforth, the interim injunction was important to stop further dissemination of injurious words against the company, according to Serba Dinamik’s chairman Datuk Mohamed Ilyas.


“The company views such impersonation and publication of false comments as serious offences against the company and its CEO,” he pointed out.


“These false comments have created unwanted speculations on Serba Dinamik Holdings which jeopardizes and destroys the goodwill and reputation of the company as well as that of Abdul Karim.”



Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah
Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah



Mohamed Ilyas further noted that Serba Dinamik will continue to monitor several other platforms and necessary legal actions will be taken in due course if any false and defamatory information is made against the company.


The application for injunction was obtained on the ground that the statement published on were false, defamatory and had tarnished Serba Dinamik and its group’s CEO reputation locally as well as internationally.


The inter parte hearing of the injunction is set on Oct 15.


“This application for injunction order is by Serba Dinamik is a right step to make it clear to the public that the company does not tolerate any statement that is untrue or intended to harm the company as well as the reputation of its officers,” opined a commercial lawyer who spoke on condition of anonymity.


“Serba Dinamik’s proactive approach on the issue by closely monitoring any publication that relates to them indicates good company governance and awareness of its legal rights. The public must be made aware about the consequences of making a defamatory or false statement against others whether in personal capacity or in a public setting.” -