Insurers, companies should be more compassionate to former employees | DagangNews Skip to main content

Insurers, companies should be more compassionate to former employees



Being employed at a big company can be an exhilirating experience for most young jobseekers. From the first day of employment, they pour out their heart and soul for their employers, ready to take on the challenges doled out by the job position.

In return, most firms would extend a multitude of benefits for their employees. By being part of an organisation, enployees get to enjoy a host of benefits which include medical coverage, book allowances, mileage, replacement glasses and others.

Workers can then attain peace at heart and focus on their work knowing full well that their welfare and their family members are taken care of.

But what happens when after a decade of service, the employee falls sick stricken with terminal disease. Most of the time, medical coverage for employees vary from one firm to another.

Some companies extend a coverage from as low as RM30,000 to as high as RM50,000 or more. Coverage also differs for management and union staff.

Some employers extend medical coverage to the spouse, children and child deliveries. My cousin who is employed at a port operator has been sick with a kidney ailment for the past six months.

At first, he received full insurance coverage at a local private hospital. Seven months down the road, his condition deteriorated and his RM50,000 medical coverage was exhausted.

Due to the lack of funds, he was then transferred to a semi-government hospital and continues to receive treatment until today.

And now, he receives half pay from his employer (as stipulated under the labour law) and is now staring at the prospect of receiving half pay for the next six months. He will also have to pay the bill for the public hospital albeit at a fraction of the cost.

Understandably, insurance companies like any other concerns are commercial entities and they need to make profit. These insurance companies, local and foreign are also answerable to their shareholders.

Also to be fair, companies cannot go on paying salaries or insurance premiums to their workers who are invalidated.

But a little compassion can go a long way.

Perhaps one day, all companies can afford to pay premiums and emulate Tenaga Nasional which cover the medical expenses of its employees and their spouses even after they retire.

Also, I understand that medical coverage for Petronas employees is unlimited.

It's a tall order, but perhaps listed insurance companies and firms can re-channel or beef up their allocation for corporate social responsibility activities to help former employees in need.

Its better than spending money to plant trees for the mangrove forest, which is equally important but should take a back seat  compared to a sick former employee.

Companies should prioritise and extend a little bit of financial assistance to their former employees riddled with terminal disease.

A little bit of compassion goes a long way and who knows God almighty will return the kindness by making the company more profitable. -

The writer is former NST Business assistant editor